Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Festival of Quilts in Birmingham - Part Four

I am still amazed about how many pictures I took of all those beautiful quilts and hope you still want to see the rest of them: Part Four shows quilts that have been in single exhibitions or from an artists booth:

Abigail Sheridan de Graaf_Where to Next

Abigail Sheridan de Graaf_Where to Next - Detail

Anne Maundrell_1

Anne Maundrell_2

Anne Maundrell_3

Anne Maundrell_4

Anne Maundrell_5

Anne Maundrell_6

AQF_Beatrice Bueche_Another View

AQF_Brigitte Kopp_City Park

AQF_Brigitte Kopp_City Park - Detail

AQF_Grace Meijer_Des Portes

AQF_Grace Meijer_Double Bass

AQF_Grace Meijer_Double Bass - Detail

AQF_Karin Ostergaard_In Bloome
Bonnie Smith_Swimming Upstrea

Bonnie Smith_Swimming Upstrea

EQA Challenge_Austria
Jean Wells_Abstracting the land and colors of Oregon

Jean Wells_Exploring the concept of a nest

Jean Wells_Working with strong color and neutrals
Margreth Säterhall_We carry life

Rie Norum_Everbody can be a star in their own universe

Rie Norum_Everbody can be a star in their own universe - Detail

SAQA_Aileyn R Ecob_Succulents

SAQA_Aileyn R Ecob_Succulents - Detail

SAQA_Betty Busby_Fracture

SAQA_Betty Busby_Fracture - Detail
SAQA_Grace Meijer_Meiko

SAQA_Grace Meijer_Meiko - Detail

SAQA_Linda Anderson_Morning Mist

SAQA_Linda Colsh_The weather in her head
Victoria F Wolfe_Cascade

Victoria F Wolfe_Cascade - Detail

Victoria F Wolfe_Farm Girl

Victoria F Wolfe_Farm Girl - Detail

Victoria F Wolfe_Mindful Balance

Victoria F Wolfe_Mindful Balance - Detail

Victoria F Wolfe_The happy wanderer

Victoria F Wolfe_The happy wanderer - Detail

I really do have a lot more pictures than shown here - but sometimes even quilts can get too much to take in - that´s how I felt at the end of each day visiting the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham - but that will not keep me from going back next year!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Festival of Quilts in Birmingham - Part Three

After more than two weeks I am still recalling the impressions, images, encounters and coincidences that I got in Birmingham at the Festival of Quilts. I am still remembering the people I met and when I check my pictures drive on my laptop I am still amazed by the beauty of the exhibited quilts. So let´s share them with you, part three. If you haven´t seen Part One or Part Two, check them out, too - it´s worth the time!

Pictorial Quilts

Bara Bartosova_Parrot Ara

Janneke de Vries Bodzinga_African Village

Laura Di Cera_St. Joseph I am home from Italy

Leslie Brankin_Chuzenii

Louise Jessup_Is there a Queen in that lot?

Lubov Kirillova_Silver Town

Lubov Kirillova_Silver Town - Detail

Monste Moreno_Suenos Dreams 1

Monste Moreno_Suenos Dreams - Detail

Noriko Endo_Autumn Freshet

Olena Pugachova_Magnolia

Olena Pugachova_Magnolia - Detail

Rebecca Handyside_Geisha

Vivian Fox_Tea for 200

The Quilters´Guild Challenge

Beatrice Bueche_Out of Addiction

Birgit Schüller_The Sprinter - Detail

Birgit Schüller_The Sprinter

Mike Wallace_Escape Freedom

Pippa Wardman_Blue Freedom

Traditional Quilts

Carole Wood_Gordian Knot

Carole Wood_Gordian Knot - Detail

Janette Chilver_Lily Pond

Janette Chilver_Lily Pond - Detail

Janette Chilver_Lily Pond

Liz Jones_Ground Cover - Detail

Liz Jones_Ground Cover
Pippa Moss_Lei Moni_Lei of Pearls

Pippa Moss_Lei Moni_Lei of Pearls - Detail

Rebecca Collins_Encompassed Star

Sandy Chandler_Katherines Wheel

Sandy Chandler_Katherines Wheel - Detail

Sandy Chandler_Katherines Wheel - Detail
Simone Steuxner_My heart is Swedish

But you know what? Checking my picture drive I realized, I have lots more...... so I decided to post a Part Four, tomorrow, o.k!?!