Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas - Frohe Weihnachten

A wonderful, enjoyable and creative Christmas time from me to you!!

Wünsche Euch allen wunderschön, erholsame und kreative Weihnachten!!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Jeans recycling part 3

The last jeans recycling workshop at Luchscheiders´ was with more experienced sewers. Six ladies chose their own design, applications with lots of decorative stitches and a special treat that Philipp (a guy from the shop explaining and taking care of the sewing machines) provided: all of us got an embroidered letter from the BROTHER Innov embroidery machine for our cushions. Again, fun at sewing, valuable sewing tips and tricks and a finished jeans cushion! I´m just loving such sewing-afternoons!

Der letzte Jeans Recycling Workshop bei der Fa. Luchscheider war für Fortgeschrittene. Sechs Damen haben wieder ihr eigenes Design ausgewählt und mit zahlreichen Zierstichen appliziert. Philipp, ein Mitarbeiter der Firma Luchscheider, hat uns allen etwas Besonderes gemacht: einen gestickten Buchstaben für das Jeans-Kissen, gemacht auf der BROTHER Innov Stickmaschine. Wieder einmal Spaß beim Nähen, wertvolle Nähtipps und -tricks und ein fertiges Jeans-Kissen. Ich liebe solche Näh-Nachmittage!

Six ladies sewing, one guy watching!

Erika applicating embroidered fabric patches

Maria applicating the sunflower petals

Lisbeth´s sailing boat

Andrea painting with the sewing machine
Erika´s jeans cushion

Maria´s sunflower with a yo-yo

Etta´s captains´cushion for her grandchild

Lisbeth´s sailing boat on the sea

Andrea´s creative flower-power garden

You might have guessed by now that I am just totally in love with recycled jeans cushions but there is something that I even love more: if I can tempt other people to recycle jeans as well - the best example: my Mum´s Jeans pillows! Aren´t they gorgeous?!?

Du wirst es sicher schon erraten haben, dass ich recycelte Jeans-Kissen einfach liebe! Aber es gibt etwas, dass ich sogar noch mehr mag: wenn ich andere dazu verleiten kann, ebenfalls Jeans zu recyceln! Das beste Beispiel dafür: die Jeans-Kissen, die meine Mutter genäht hat. Sehen die nicht fantastisch aus?!?

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Jeans recycling-Workshop at Luchscheider

My last two workshops at Luchscheider in Fohnsdorf (shop for Brother sewing machines) were a great succes and immensely fun but could not have been more different. For the first workshop I had 4 lovely ladies sewing jeans cushions, all four of them choosing their own design. The second workshop I had only one participant, and that was: Wolfgang, also sewing with his own fabrics and design! I enjoyed sewing with one man as much as with four women and the results were simply wonderful to see that it takes only a few ingredients to be creative and get something done in a short time.

Meine letzten beiden Workshops bei der Firma Luchscheider in Fohnsdorf (Verkauf von Brother Nähmaschinen) waren ein toller Erfolg und machten Riesenspaß. Aber die beiden Termine hätten nicht verschiedener sein können. Beim ersten Workshop waren vier super-nette Damen dabei, um Jeans-Kissen zu nähen. Alle vier haben ihren eigenen Entwurf gewählt. Beim zweiten Workshop hatte ich nur einen Teilnehmer, nämlich Wolfgang, der auch sein eigenes, kreatives Design mit seinen mitgebrachten Stoffen nähte! Ich habe das Nähen mit einem Mann genau so sehr genossen, wie mit vier Frauen. Und die Nähresultate machen einfach Freude, wenn man sieht, wie aus wenigen Zutaten etwas so herrlich Kreatives in so kurzer Zeit entstehen kann. 

Manuela, Heidi, Raphaela and Christa (from left to right)

Manuelas´ hearts on jeans

Raphaelas´maritime jeans cushion

Heidi critically checking her sewing results

back of Heidis´ cushion

Christas´ pink duck-hearts for her grandchild

Sewing space at Luchscheider in Fohnsdorf
Wolfgang appliqueing blossoms and petals

So, the next workshop is next Friday, this time with: 8 (!!) We´ll see how that one turns out! Although I am sure, no matter how many there are: fun is guarateed!

Nächsten Freitag findet der dritte Workshop statt, dieses Mal mit 8 Teilnehmerinnen. Mal sehen, wie das wird. Obwohl: egal wie viele Teilnehmerinnen dabei sind, Spaß werden wir alle haben! 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

September is gone....

.... here´s a review of what I´ve accomplished in September. After the Festival of Quilts I knew that I have tons of sewing work to do at home:

Making some jeans-tin cans for the birthdays in our Quiltgruppe Graz:

Then I had to sew the "Zeitlos Schön" quilt for the Quiltirol exhibition, the deadline coming closer and closer. For that quilt I bought the paint and quilting thread in Birmingham as well as the jeans fabric. I wanted it to be something completely from Birmingham only. The title "Jeans-Gingko-Rain" means that all three of those are of timeless beauty to me, even if they are daily matter of facts.

6 mini quilts for "Zeitlos Schön"

Christine Hailand "Farben und Formen"
Gertrud Gatterer

And there it was, at the Ursulinensäle in Innsbruck together with all the other "Zeitlos Schön" quilts from Quiltirol members - definitely worth the visit - they are now all hanging at Quilt et Textilkunst in Munich!

In between I was sewing on the Sew Together Bags:

So the only work to do on those bags is sew on the binding....... but it looks like this has to wait a little longer.....

The perfect End of Summer celebration was with Quiltgruppe Graz at Karins´ home in Wildon, South Styria: six members presented their Round Robin Quilts, fantastic in color, design and execution: needlework in perfection!

Then came the Gildefest in Götzis, Vorarlberg - beautiful quilts, big and small, monochromatic and colorful, traditional and modern. All categories had their agents.

Erika Lenhart_Big Betlehem Star

Erika Lenhart_Big Betlehem Star_detail

Erika Lenhart_Big Betlehem Star_detail quilting

Erika Lenhart_Big Betlehem Star_detail backside
Georgina Buschauer_Challenge 3

Georgina Buschauer_Challenge 3_detail quilting

Georgina Buschauer_Challenge 3_detail

Andrea Haider_Irrgarten

Hermine Berger_Waldviertel

Maria Egender_Schloss Fantastica

Monika Jost_Maskerade

Helen Heaney_The one that got away

Traude Rübsamen_Blumenvielfalt
Marianne Fink_Traumquilt
Marianne Fink_Traumquilt_detail

Now I continue working on: 

Sew Modern Europe Charity Quilt for the MQG (unfortunately having chosen the wrong fabrics for the first few blocks) 

Block for the quilt back

and the Michael Miller Challenge Quilt "Our Yard" (pattern from "Whole Circle Studio" by Sherri).

What else? Well, I let you know next weekend! 
